
This web site is neither approved nor endorsed by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. It is provided solely as a public information tool of District 17 of North Florida to display information about Alcoholics Anonymous in our AA District. Links to other websites neither imply endorsement of, nor affiliation with, those entities.

Some of the information on this site was originally published by A.A. World Services, Inc., or the A.A. Grapevine, Inc., but do not assume that this implies continued approval by the General Service Conference for their use on this site.

Alcoholics Anonymous®, A.A. ®, The Big Book®, and Box 459® are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. The Grapevine®, A.A. Grapevine®, Gv®, Box 1980®, and La Viña® are registered trademarks of A.A. Grapevine, Inc.

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